American Cooking: RecipesAvocado - Tomato CocktailView
American Cooking: RecipesSpinach SaladView
American Cooking: The Great West: RecipesGinger-Ale SaladView
American Cooking: The Great West: RecipesPoppy-Seed DressingView
American Cooking: The Great West: RecipesStrawberry-and-Sour-Cream DressingView
American Cooking: The Northwest: RecipesMarinated MushroomsView
American Cooking: The Northwest: RecipesMignonette SauceView
Kelly Family CookingGarlic Salt (Garlic Salt)View
Kelly Family CookingEasy Apple FrittersView
Latin American Cooking: RecipesAjí Molido con Aceite (RED CHILI PASTE)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesChile Amarillo Molido con Aceite (YELLOW CHILE PASTE)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesChimichurri (ARGENTINE SPICED PARSLEY SAUCE)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesGuacamole (AVOCADO SAUCE WITH TOMATO AND CORIANDER)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesMôlho de Pimenta e Limão (PEPPER AND LEMON SAUCE)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesPebre (CHILEAN HOT SAULE)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesSalsa Cruda (UNCOOKED SPICED TOMATO SAUCE)View
Latin American Cooking: RecipesSalsa Verde (GREEN TOMATO AND CORIANDER SAUCE)View
Middle Eastern CookingBaba Ghannooj (COLD EGGPLANT PUREE WITH LEMON JUICE)View
Middle Eastern CookingHummus bi Tahina (COLD CHICK-PEA AND GARLIC PURÉE)View
Middle Eastern CookingHilbeh (YEMENITE HOT RELISH)View
Middle Eastern CookingTaratoor (SESAME SAUCE)View
The Cooking of China: RecipesLiang-pan-hsi-yang-ts'ai (WATERCRESS AND WATER CHESTNUT SALAD)View
The Cooking of China: RecipesLiang-pan-huang-kua (CUCUMBER SALAD WITH SPICY DRESSING)View
The Cooking of China: RecipesLiang-pan-lu-sün (FRESH ASPARAGUS SALAD)View
The Cooking of China: RecipesT'ang-ts'u-ou-pien (FRESH LOTUS ROOT SALAD)View
The Cooking of China: RecipesT'ang-yen-hung-lo-po (MARINATED RADISH FANS)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesIndian Jaggery (Dark-Brown Sugar and Dark Molasses)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesAdrak Chanti (FRESH GINGER CHUTNEY)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesAm ki Chatni (FRESH MANGO CHUTNEY WITH COCONUT)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesCorom Chatni (FRESH MANGO CHUTNEY WITH HOT CHILI)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesDhanya Chatni (FRESH CORIANDER CHUTNEY)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesNariyal Chatni (COCONUT CHUTNEY)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesNimbu Chatni (DATE AND LEMON CHUTNEY)View
The Cooking of India: RecipesPudine Chatni (FRESH MINT CHUTNEY)View
The Cooking of Provincial France: RecipesSauce Vinaigrette (FRENCH OIL AND VINEGAR DRESSING)View
The Cooking of Scandinavia: RecipesProfessors Glogg (THE PROFESSORS GLOGG)View
The Cooking of Scandinavia: RecipesSima (Lemon-Flavored Mead)View